Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gilad Atzmon Concert Cancelled due to Zionist Pressure « P U L S E

Whaaa?!! No crazed Muslims shutdown this concert? Ah yes....all it takes is one Rabbi to quietly get things rolling and the pressure is brought to bear down on the easily intimidated gutless wonders. Call in and protest as the writer below asks. Freedom of expression and assembly should not EVER be allowed one inch of movement. Shut down the Rabbi, his supporters and appeasers.

Gilad Atzmon Concert Cancelled due to Zionist Pressure « P U L S E

by Rich Siegel

Action Requested

Gilad Atzmon
I have just been informed that a concert and presentation that was scheduled to be given this coming Tuesday night at First Unitarian Church in Rochester, NY, by jazz saxophonist and noted Israeli Anti-Zionist Gilad Atzmon, and myself, is being canceled due to pressure from a local rabbi.

The concert was organized and promoted by Dan McGowan, founder and chairman of Deir Yassin Remembered, along with a second concert in Geneva, NY, which is going on as scheduled on Wednesday night. Dan was given two reasons for the concert cancellation: 1) that there were going to be activities in adjacent rooms and the noise level of the concert would interfere, and 2) admitted pressure from Rabbi Laurence A. Kotok of Temple B’rith Kodesh to cancel the event. Reason 1 was hardly believable, as the concert has been planned for about two months. Surely someone would have thought of this.

Dan was very smart and gave them the opportunity to have the event at a different venue, or to take the music out of the event and make it just spoken presentations given by the three of us — Dan, Gilad, and myself. He was turned down. So it is clear that the real reason for the cancellation is Zio-pressure.

The parties who are caving to Zio-pressure are as follows:

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